It’s easy.  Report all your service work and outreach in a matter of minutes.

Please contact Department JVP Tracy Kelley with any questions.  Tracy’s contact information is: or 603/305-7003.


The Program Reporting System will be temporarily shut down on April 10, 2024 in order to extract and organize the information for the year-end reports to National and to determine the awards to be given at Convention for each program.  The System will be reopened as soon as possible in early May, 2024.   A notice will be sent to everyone of the exact date when you may begin using the Program Reporting System again for the new Auxiliary year.  

Therefore, it is very important that all of your reporting information be entered into the system for this 2023-2024 Auxiliary Year no later than April 9, 2024.  Should you need any help, please be sure to contact either: 

Tracy Kelley at 603/305-7003   email:   


Trish St. Germain at 603/540-8203  email:

REPORTING! The Key to Success!
Who needs to report?    ALL Auxiliaries and ALL your members! Someone needs to be in charge at your auxiliary of reporting. There should be one point of contact that people can email their information to or give that information too. It doesn’t need to be the President, but it can be.
What is reportable?    Almost anything you do! Look at each program and determine what you can report. If you’re not sure it’s reportable, capture it anyway! The Dept. Chairs will let you know if something isn’t reportable. Monetary donations to a veterans organization such as the Disabled American Vets or a donation to the Girl or Boy Scouts, buying GS cookies, visiting a sick relative in the hospital, sending a sympathy or get well card to a veteran or a veteran’s family member, any kind of participation in the schools, church, or with a youth team, etc. Any time or money you donate to just about anything is probably reportable in some way and if we can’t find a spot to report on the ladies side, it will probably be reportable under Community Service which needs to be given to the VFW side. The key is to gather the reports and send them!!
Where: Into the ladies on-line system and enter reports yourselves. If you have several people who are good on the computer, perhaps you ask each of them to enter certain reports under certain chairmanships. It does not need to all fall under one person such as the President. So although you might have one point of contact for gathering the reports, a group of people can enter the reports if that’s what works for you.
When: Ideally, on a monthly basis. A week or so before the C of As is a good time to get your final reports for that quarter. Don’t wait until the end of the year!
Why: Reporting is really the key to the success of not only our individual Auxiliaries, but also our District, Department and ultimately of the National Ladies Auxiliary. As we all know, these numbers which are flowed up to National are tallied into and placed into the membership fact sheets which are used by National as a membership tool. We HAVE to let National know what our Auxiliaries are doing. It is KEY to the success and survival of the organization! Explaining this to potential members I have found is a great recruiting tool! You tell them that they don’t need to do any more than they are already doing in their communities, but that those current hours can be captured to help veterans! The younger ladies out there that are working with their kids and in their communities respond to that and join! Also, these reports are what will win your auxiliary awards during the State Convention, it helps the Department win awards at National and although it’s not the main reason, winning those awards helps to motivate your auxiliary and make them feel as those their time and effort really does count for something. Honor your ladies by reporting their hard work!
How: Someone who is good on the computer is a great choice to be part of your on-line reporting committee. You can pass around a paper to collect reports during your meeting or ask people to email you with their reports and then someone gets them into the on-line reporting system. There are many, many ways to gather this information from ladies.