“Challenging the Needs of Our Veterans”

Greeting Members,

I will be in Washington, DC on Sunday through Tuesday for Washington Conference and Voice
of Democracy Parade of Winners. I am looking forward to escorting our New Hampshire winner
to the stage with Department Commander Denis.

Bob and I went on the Mid-Winter Cruise and we had a fantastic time. There was a Council of
Administration Meeting first for business and then our Ambassadors addressed how we are all
doing on programs and sending in communication to them. New Hampshire is doing well.
The cruise was a great time to relax and meet with our counterparts from other states to talk about
what they have been doing and are continuing to do for all our veterans. It was so fantastic that
we have planned a cruise for October of 2025!!

I look forward to visiting more of our Auxiliaries in March as well. I will be in touch with the
Presidents of the Auxiliaries I plan to visit.

We are working hard on membership to reach our goal of 100%. If you have not paid your 2024
dues you will need to do so ASAP so your membership does not lapse.

As we continue to work together, we will continue to help our veterans, sisters and brothers of
this great organization.

Kim Copson, Department President 2023-2024

Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Easter
Department of New Hampshire General Orders #9, March 1, 2024